This past Sunday we continued our new series- The Life You Were Made For, looking at the what, why, and how of the Spirit-Filled Life. What are the signs that…
This past Sunday we continued in our new series- The Life You Were Made For. Jesus wants us to be so full of the presence, power, life, and love of God…
This past Sunday we started a new series we're calling The Life You Were Made For. We were all made for a life with God that is so much more…
This past Sunday we concluded our series Who Does Jesus Say That He Is looking at the 7 I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. This week,…
This past Sunday we continued in our series Who Does Jesus Say That He Is looking at the 7 I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. This week, Jesus…
This past Sunday we continued in our series Who Does Jesus Say That He Is looking at the 7 I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. This week,…
This week Jesus identifies His Person and mission with the door to a fenced-in sheep pen. What does it mean that Jesus is THE door and what do sheep and…
This past Sunday we started a new series, "Who Does Jesus Say That He Is", looking at the 7 I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. This…
Join us as we wrap up our series in the strange, dark, and violent book of Judges, by looking at how Jesus is the King we truly need. **NOTE…
This is the most disturbing story in Judges if not the whole Bible- a woman is raped and killed and the response of the tribe is to protect the men…