I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life
September 8, 2024

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life

Passage: John 14:1-7

This past Sunday we continued in our series Who Does Jesus Say That He Is looking at the 7 I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. This week, Jesus makes one of His boldest declarations of His identity and mission- I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We will explore why the exclusivity of this statement is actually good news and not narrow-mindedness.


Do you want God in your life?Is your heart troubled?

Where are you compromising the message of Jesus?

Further Up, Further In- 
In Psalm 27, David says, “I have asked one thing from the Lord; it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, gazing on the beauty of the Lord and seeking Him in His temple” (v. 4). Prayerfully reflect on this. Is being with God and beholding Him in all of His glory what your heart desires most in life? If you could ask God for one thing, would it be more of Him? Why or why not? What other desires take priority? Why is “more of God” better than anything else? How can you get to where David was? Share your reflections with your family, Going Deeper Group, and others.