This is one of the most disturbing stories in the Old Testament. It’s a story of child sacrifice that many have used to mischaracterize the God of the Bible, but is it possible the story doesn’t say what we think it says?
Additional resources-
For challenging passages like this, books like The Big Book of Bible Difficulties (Norman Geisler) or Hard Sayings of the Bible (Walter Kaiser, FF Bruce) can be helpful.
Further Up, Further In-
Take time this week to prayerfully and reflectively read Luke 14:25-35. Jesus says there’s a cost to following Him. What do you think that means? What could those costs be today in your life and our culture? Has it cost you anything to follow Jesus? What was that like? How did Jesus help you? Are there places in your life where you know following Jesus further than you have is going to cost you and you’ve stopped moving forward? Ask Jesus to speak into that; to show you your fears, to remind you of what’s true, and to reveal to you how He is greater and is worth a whole life, wholehearted devotion. Share these things at a Family Gathering, or with your family, roommates, friends, or Going Deeper Group.