Palm Sunday – Weeping in the Worship
March 24, 2024

Palm Sunday – Weeping in the Worship

Passage: Luke 19:28-44

This past Sunday we prepared our hearts for Easter by looking at Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, the city that would welcome Him as a Saviour-King and crucify Him on a cross for blasphemy and treason.

Further up, further in -
I would encourage you to read through Matthew 21:1-11 this week. As Easter approaches, some people tend to jump ahead and think
about the suffering that Christ had to endure in our place. That is certainly not a bad thing, but I think we sometimes forget that those who were present on THE Palm Sunday (the disciples, the crowds welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem) were not thinking about Jesus’ death. They were just celebrating this man that is compassionately restoring their community through healings and teachings FROM GOD… and they probably couldn’t get enough of him. Take some time this week to put yourself in their shoes and celebrate who Jesus was when he walked the earth before his death. As you meditate on this scripture, allow your heart to grow in its love for Christ and celebrate the life that he had while he was still here.