Signs of the Filling of the Spirit: Bold Witness
This past Sunday we continued our new series- The Life You Were Made For, looking at the what, why, and how of the Spirit-Filled Life. What are the signs that you have been filled? What changes in your life? This week- Bold Witness. When the Spirit fills us we become emboldened and relentless witnesses to God’s reality and truth in the world and God works powerfully through us to draw people into His love.
We hope this teaching helps you wherever you are on your spiritual journey.
Where are you doubting the power of the gospel?
Further Up, Further In-
Take time this week to read through Peter’s gospel sermons in Acts 2 and 3 and Paul’s gospel sermon in Acts 17. What do they say? What do they emphasize? Where are they the same? Where are they different? Why? What is essential? Take time to 1) Write out the names of all of the people you regularly interact with who do not know Jesus and where you think they’re at in their spiritual journey (closed/skeptical, open/curious, questioning/journeying, contemplating belief); 2) Pray for them and for opportunities to either initiate or continue a conversation; 3) write your own short presentations of the gospel that speak to those different stages in the journey and commit them to memory to have ready to share. Consider doing this with your family, roommates, Family Gathering, and/or Going Deeper Group.