The Spirit – Filled Life
October 6, 2024

The Spirit – Filled Life

Passage: Acts 1:1-11
This past Sunday we started a new series we’re calling The Life You Were Made For. We were all made for a life with God that is so much more than what most of us are experiencing, and the life we were made for is not unattainable or accessible only to a few. God wants to give all of us that life. What is that life and how do we live it?

We hope this teaching helps you wherever you are on your spiritual journey.
What do you make of the idea of a “deeper life”? Does it excite you or terrify you? Why?
Are you satisfied with your life with God as it is? Do you want more?
Additional resources-
River Dwellers by Rob Reimer
Joy Unspeakable by Martyn Lloyd Jones
They Found the Secret by V Raymond Edman
Further Up, Further In-
Read the following prayers and reflect on them: Psalm 27:4Psalm 42:1-2Psalm 63:1-5Ephesians 1:15-233:14-21Take time with the Spirit and ask- What is the common refrain between all of them? What do these pray-ers long for? What do they want? Why do they want it? Do you pray like this? If not, why not? Should you pray like this? What needs to change? Ask God to help you and to prioritize Him in your prayers. Start to pray Ephesians 1 and 3 for yourself and your church.