Jesus and Zacchaeus
November 5, 2023

Jesus and Zacchaeus

Passage: Luke 19:1-10

Reflection- Who are the Zacchaeus' in your life? Or who are the people that you need to see and extend kindness, hospitality, and love to?

Where do you need to be seen?

Further Reading- "The Father's Love Letter" and/or "What God Thinks About You,"

Further up, further in- Ask yourself- How do I see myself? What do I think of me? What have others said about me? Journal what comes to mind, and then prayerfully and contemplatively read, memorize, and internalize Isaiah 43:1-2. Ask the Holy Spirit, How does God see me? What does God think of me? Pray that you would be able to see yourself the way God sees you. What difference could that make to how you connect with God and others, and live in the world? Share with your family, roommates, friends, Going Deeper Group, or at a Family Gathering.