Jesus and the Canaanite Woman
November 13, 2023

Jesus and the Canaanite Woman

Passage: Matthew 15:21-28

Reflection- Where might you be living out of prejudicial narratives? Where are your prejudices causing us to miss out on the heart of God and what He is doing in the world? Where are your prejudices causing us you treat others differently even as you call them your brothers and sisters in Christ?

Further Reading- "United: Captured by God’s Vision for Diversity" by Trillia Newbell
"Be the Bridge: Pursuing God’s Heart for Reconciliation" by Latasha Morrison

For Kids: "God’s Very Good Idea: A True Story of God’s Delightfully Different Family" by Trillia Newbell

Related- Racial Justice & the Kingdom (teaching series)

Resource List on Racial Justice (blog)

Further up, further in-  Meditate on Ephesians 2:11-22, John 17, Revelation 5, and/or Revelation 7:9-17. What speaks to you in these passages about God's vision for His church? Where have you experienced ethnic oneness and reconciliation? Where have you not experienced it? How can you build towards it? Share with your family, roommates, friends, Going Deeper Group, or at a Family Gathering.