Jesus and Thomas
January 28, 2024

Jesus and Thomas

Passage: John 20:24-29

Is God angry when we doubt? Is It bad to have doubts or is it an inevitable part of our faith journey? And if/when we have doubts, what do we do with them? We're excited to welcome Matt Houle from Carleton Place Baptist to guide us through these questions from the story of the infamous "doubting Thomas."

Further up, further in - Do you struggle with doubting your faith? Do you struggle with being gracious towards others as they express doubts about Jesus? John Mark Comer says, “To struggle with one’s faith is often the surest sign we actually have one”. Take some time this week to reflect on what thoughts, questions, or feelings this quote stirs up in you. Spend some time with God, asking Him the HARD questions, and ask Him to meet you in those questions. If you struggle to voice your doubts to others, take some steps this week towards vulnerability and find a trusted, mature friend or mentor to share your doubts with. You’ll likely discover that you are not alone in your struggles with faith.